“We Fear Change”
Pearl Jam debuted new discussion forums on their website, PearlJam.com today. The last revamp of the “Message Pit” was approximately five years ago. Earlier today, board manager Kat made this statement:
Please stand by…for a change in our forums!
The new Pearl Jam forums will have new features we think you’ll love. There will be an adjustment period while we all learn how to navigate around and discover the new features and how things work. Hang in there and enjoy the experience of discovery with us! The plan is for the forums to beread-only at noon Pacific Time and then the new forums will move in and reopen when they are ready. Happy New Year!
So far there have been 155 responses to Kat’s note, one of the first and most telling was from board member Gern Blansten, who aptly replied, “we fear change”.
Check out the new forums at http://community.pearljam.com/